Welcome to Disneyland; want a balloon? Makes me think of the old "Laugh-In" joke, "Want a Walnetto?" But I digress. Looks like it's getting late in the day, and there's a swarm of guests at the souvenir stand, looking for just the perfect gift to take home to those poor saps that couldn't make the trek to Disneyland. The balloon seller appears to be anxiously checking his watch; is his shift over yet?
Nothing says Christmas like a big gaudy star on top of the Matterhorn. The way the photo was shot, it almost looks like a big mound of meringue on the Monsanto House of the Future.
How about a parade? If that doesn't make you start counting the days til Christmas, I don't know what will.
A group of lovely young lasses in kilts:
Followed by some cherubic military figures (note the faces of the poor cast members inside, sweating their asses off!). I do believe these figures were the inspiration for "Chucky"!
I can't believe the Spaceman and Spacegirl didn't adorn their outfits with tinsel or at least a few strands of garland. Bah humbug.
I normally get bored with Castle shots, but I love how the ornamentation of the Main Street vehicle provides an interesting frame to this photo.
Thanks to the Skyway, the last two shots are some fine ones, beginning with an overhead of the Tomorrowland Monorail Station:
And wrapping up this set with a view of the Autopia:
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