
April 1977, Pt. 3

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011 0 komentar
If yesterday's menu from The Riverbelle Terrace didn't appeal to you and you thought you'd try The French Market...well, back in April 1977, you'd be S.O.L.Having the message of closure come from Mickey Mouse should help keep the profanities to a minimum.Here’s how the entrance looks today:Heading back towards The Blue Bayou (hope you made a reservation!), we can get a good clear look at their menu.Here’s a shot of the menu from...
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April 1977, Pt. 2

Senin, 30 Mei 2011 0 komentar
A little bit of then & now, with April 1977 as the baseline. Continuing with the series I introduced last week, we begin with a little area near the Coke Corner outdoor seating section. The rounded-top doors have been changed in the 30+ years between photos.Over at the former Upjohn Pharmacy, the items in the window signify that it has been changed to the New Century Timepieces (back in 1972).I just had to zoom in to check...
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Snow White Evolution: Opening Day vs. Now

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011 0 komentar
The July 17, 1955 Grand Opening Day of Disneyland was a huge event with live coast-to-coast coverage by ABC-TV. To make sure that all went smoothly, rehearsals were held for both the technical and performance personnel...even as the painters and construction workers were putting the finishing touches on the park itself.This photo, as can be told by the sparse amount of people on the sidewalk (primarily family and friends of Disney...
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Screen Gem Saturdays: The Incredible Mae West

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011 0 komentar
Mae West was a classic broke-the-mold kind of star during the 1930's and 40's. She pushed the boundaries of sexuality on both the stage and the silver screen. Without Mae, there would be no Madonna. One of her most famous roles was Miss Flower Belle Lee in the 1940 comedy, "My Little Chickadee," starring W.C. Fields. Some of her famous double entendres are featured in this movie:Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this...
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DCA Trip Report & Little Mermaid Preview

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011 0 komentar
I was VERY excited to be able to attend the Cast Member preview for the new Little Mermaid attraction at DCA. The marketing mavens have been churning the spin machine like the tilt-a-whirl at a carnival. It seems that almost daily fascinating little tidbits have been released about this new dark ride that would blow the imaginations of guests.Can you imagine what a Debbie-Downer this sign was when I saw it? Besides having it suck...
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