It’s the finale for the Tomorrowland portion of this series, and we are focused mainly on The Autopia today. Back in 1955, freeways seemed exciting! A big open canvas to drive a car on, free of crowding and making it possible to drive to one’s destination at higher speeds. Wow—sounds like fun to me! Today? Not so much. The majority of people who live out here in California dread driving...the freeway is not so free anymore...toll roads have sprung up, traffic jams cause road rage, and...well, you get the picture. My how times have changed.
Here it states that the top speed is 11 mph; anyone know what it is currently?
Susie is loving this! Poor Bobby is too short to ride the regular Autopia! Susie sure is a ballbuster!
Don’t worry Bobby - there are still options!
How cool to have your own Autopia Car!
I wonder what Susie & Bobby will purchase today? Don’t take it out of the package, kids—it’ll be worth much more that way!
Just what exactly were the important things that we learned?
I expect these reports by Monday, on lined paper, double spaced please!
On another note...I don’t normally plug non-Disney movies on here, but this one I’ll make an exception for. I went to see “It’s Complicated” on New Year’s Eve and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you’re under 40, it may not hit the mark for you, but anyone who has been through a divorce or been the product of divorce, this comedy/drama will definitely hit home. Loved the characters, too...very real and written with intelligence and wit. Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and Steve Martin all have excellent chemistry together. Check it out!
See more Encyclopaedia Britannica photos at my website.
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