Although I'm not sure I'd want to live there, Hollywood is definitely a fun place to visit. While there for "The Rocketeer," I managed to add to my collection of photos from the area. For great comfort food, Mel's Drive-In sure hits the spot. The location off of Hollywood Boulevard is just a bit grittier than the one you'll find on Sunset. It is located inside part of the historic Max Factor building, a beauty salon that helped...

Traveling Thursdays: Around Hollywood
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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
hollywood museum,
max factor building,
mel's drive-in,
ripley's believe it or not museum
Welcome to Disneyland, Circa Summer 1962, The (Semi) Grand Finale
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Rabu, 29 Juni 2011
central park,
Jungle Cruise,
skull rock cove,
Swiss Family Robinson Tree House
It's a veritable Del Monte Fruit Cocktail in Heavy Syrup assortment today, as the Circa Summer 1962 batch comes to a close. Taking you back out to Central Plaza, we again see the patriotic bunting that typically adorns the park during the July 4th "season." Oh yeah...don't forget to check out that Matterhorn thing in the background!The photographer made a short detour to Tomorrowland, just in time to get a blurry shot at The Autopia:And...
Welcome to Disneyland, Circa Summer 1962, Pt. 3
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011
Burning Cabin,
Cascade Peak,
Castle Rock,
Indian Burial Site,
indian war canoes,
Mark Twain,
tom sawyer island
The Mark Twain is at the dock, waiting for you to board! C'mon—hurry up, so that you can take a spin around the Rivers of America on this majestic beauty of a boat.Once again, more mysterious construction going on here. I believe the Indian Village had already moved over to this location by 1956, so not quite sure what the pickup truck and lumber are for; maybe just a "plussing" of the show.Curious people like me just have to...
Welcome to Disneyland, Circa Summer 1962 Pt. 2
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Senin, 27 Juni 2011
Chicken Plantation Restaurant,
Welcome to Frontierland! Here's out motley crew again (no Connie—they are not relatives of mine!). Looking at the apparel, it would seem that they are the textbook example for "be sure to bring layers!" For a full day in Anaheim, the temperatures can run the gamut from cool to sweltering. Note the plaid shirted cast member using a hose on the left to water the landscaping.Up until 1962, The Chicken Plantation fed hungry guests...
Welcome to Disneyland, Circa Summer 1962 Pt. 1
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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
blanche sweet,
Flower Market,
main street cinema,
retlaw combine car,
Ticket Booth,
White Wing
The color in this batch isn't the greatest, but they still capture some fun vintage flavor. Obviously, being the anal-retentive person that I am, I have to start your journey at the beginning. The entrance looks fairly empty; something you rarely see today. I don't even think I've ever attempted a shot like this, since it would most likely be littered with people and strollers.Once on the other side of the tunnel, business seems...
Screen Gem Saturdays: The Debbie Reynolds Auction, Pt. 1
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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
charlie chaplin,
debbie reynolds auction,
harpo marx,
marion davies,
shirley temple black,
the littlest rebel
Recently, Debbie Reynolds sold off her collection of Hollywood costumes and memorabilia in a huge blow-out auction that caused jaws to drop for two reasons: the historic significance of what she owned, and the prices that were paid for those items. For the next few weeks, I will feature some of the amazing pieces that were part of this auction.How much would you pay for a crazy blond wig and a top hat? Probably not much. If the...