
Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: Jolly Roger comparison

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010 0 komentar
This post was inspired from an email asking me about when the change occurred on the Jolly Roger talking skull that greets visitors just as they are about to plunge down the waterfall. This first photo I snapped in October 1995. #2 is from 2002:The 3rd shot is from 2007. I am not sure how many other incarnations existed. Experts? I also received a request for a photo of the entrance line queue scene where “Pirates of the Caribbean”...
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You Are There: September 1959, pt. 2

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Our 1959 family is getting a great overview of the park from the platform of the Main Street Train Station. If we zoom in, we can still see the large banners announcing the gala year of 1959: Monorail, Matterhorn, much going on! And isn't it great to know that all 3 are still in operation?Riding on the top of the Omnibus gives guests a fantastic (and not often-seen) overhead view of Main Street and the Castle:Once...
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You Are There: September 1959, pt. 1

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Time to hop aboard the magical Disneyland Hotel Tram and take a trip back in time to September 1959. You won’t see dad in any of these photos; he's busy snapping away these colorful Technicolor slides for your enjoyment in 2010. Can you believe that peeling paint? That would surely stir up some controversy over on the MiceAge chat boards...and under Walt's watch, too!Look at those frowns! We shouldn't judge though; how happy would...
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GRAD NIGHT! June 1962

Senin, 01 Maret 2010 0 komentar
This photo was taken in Tomorrowland on June 16, 1962 during Grad Night festivities. At the top of the photo, you can see the Art of Animation sign. The caption for this AP wire photo was fairly gushing about the event:They had a ball—it looks like an ordinary graduation dance, but it isn’t. It’s the 1962 version, Disneyland-style. The famed amusement park re-oened its doors at 11 pm after it closed to the public, and threw an...
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