
Sailing Through Sundays on The JC: August 1958

Minggu, 28 Februari 2010 0 komentar
Today’s post is a fairly comprehensive albeit not so artistic look at the Jungle Cruise, circa August 1958. Naturally, I have posted these images in the order they were taken. Enjoy! This photographer definitely had an affinity for the back side of water! See more vintage (and current) Jungle Cruise photos on my regular websi...
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Scholarly Saturdays: Encyclopaedia Britannica & Fantasyland, Pt. 1

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010 0 komentar
The Fantasyland section of this series is the most amazing; not necessarily because of the photos, but because Walt was able to slide this through and to make it part of an educational film strip series. This isn't even a behind-the-scenes-how-we-created it series, but a full-on promotion for Disneyland and Walt's movies. Yup, Walt was a genius and a showman...and a pretty smooth-talker. Plenty of Bobby & Susie in this land!Two...
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Freaky Fridays @ The Haunted Mansion: NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY!

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010 0 komentar
If you’ve ever wondered why you are admonished not to use “Flash Photography” while in your Doombuggy, this photo shows the perfect reason why you should listen (except for those of us taking photos to document the ride for posterity, of course). This tree near the cemetery does not look quite so scary when seen in the harsh light of a camera flash. Almost looks like a home craft project you’d make with tin foil. Just goes to...
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Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: More Grotto

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010 0 komentar
Hope you enjoy these "flash-free" photos!This poor feller is plum tuckered out; just needs a little rest. ETERNAL rest.And one from my evil flash-photographing days before I reformed. As if a sword in the back wasn’t bad enough, now this poor feller has crabs.Back to flash-free:A few more recent shots taken in the mysterious grotto; love that blue lighting on the rocks and waterfalls. Most guests probably miss the skull &...
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Early 1950’s Black & White, pt. 6: Nature’s Wonderland

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010 0 komentar
A trio of shots today from the Nature’s Wonderland Attraction. First up is a unique view of the town of Rainbow Ridge. Anybody care for a haircut from "Doc" Sutter? Good to know that the Barber Shop is still in business today at Big Thunder Mountain:Engine #3 is pulling into the loading area for shot #2:In this shot of the Pack Mules, you can kinda’ make out a Conestoga Wagon on the left side in the background. Those little kids...
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MORE B&W 1950’s Fun

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I may not know the year, but thanks to the patriotic bunting in Town Square, I know it must be summer! Here is my favorite Main Street transportation, The Omnibus, ready to take another load of guests down to the Castle.Over in Tomorrowland in front of the Art Corner, The Spaceman doesn’t seem too thrilled to be posing with this trio of kiddies; maybe it’s the end of his shift.Here we are soaring over Fantasyland in a Skyway bucket;...
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May 18, 1958

Senin, 22 Februari 2010 0 komentar
It may not be a significant day to you, but for this group of guests, it sure was a day of fun and smiles. In shot #1, this guest is so awed to be standing in front of Walt's personal Autopia car that he takes his hat off in respect. In the background, you can see the entrance to the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea movie prop exhibit.In shot #2, she doesn't give a hoot about cars and motors; she just wants to show off the still very...
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Sailing Through Sundays on The JC: Suwanee Lady, August 1956

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010 0 komentar
This dock shot of the Suwanee Lady is from August 1956. Looks like the one lady is going to have to talk her friend into braving this trip! See more vintage (and current) Jungle Cruise photos on my regular websi...
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Scholarly Saturdays: Encyclopaedia Britannica & Frontierland, Pt. 5

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010 0 komentar
Hard to believe but at one time, Fort Wilderness was an attraction itself as opposed to the restroom stop that it has morphed into today. Here Bobby & Susie enter this former world of Frontierland fun.This is right up Bobby's alley! Not so much Susie's.I hope Bobby isn't aiming at these guests here on the Indian canoe!We close with a shot of the beloved Keelboat:Only one more post to go for Frontierland! See more Fort Wilderness...
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