
Disneyland Time Capsule: August 1958, Pt. 3

Selasa, 30 September 2008 0 komentar
A short visit to Fantasyland today, beginning with a group shot in front of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Restaurant. At this point in time, Skull Rock was still but a glimmer in Walt’s eye. Stepping back a bit for shot #2, we also see Dumbo’s Flying Elephants and the Casey Junior Ticket Booth...oh yeah, and that thing overhead called the Skyway.Last one for today is a little dark, but you can still kind of see the Disneyland...
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Disneyland Time Capsule: August 1958, Pt. 2

Senin, 29 September 2008 0 komentar
There was a time when Disneyland was Autopia CRAZY! Tomorrowland Autopia, Midget Autopia, Junior is a view of some of the tracks. Shot #2 features the Tomorrowland Skyway Station AND the Autopia, as well as the Astrojets. I have included a closeup of the booth for the nosey Disneyland geeks.More Richfield Autopia: you can practically smell the gas!Sadly, this Tomorrowland Viewliner shot is a little blurry. It really...
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Disneyland Time Capsule: August 1958

Minggu, 28 September 2008 0 komentar
Most Disneyland geeks like myself focus on 1959 as being an historic year in the history of new attractions for the Anaheim Park. However, 1958 had its share of fun, as this series of photos proves. If you can ignore the top of the trash can on the Main Street Train Station balcony, you’ll get a nice view of Town Square and the banner that hangs over Main Street, U.S.A. proclaiming The Columbia in Frontierland and the Disneyland...
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Golden Girls, August 1956, Pt. 3

Sabtu, 27 September 2008 0 komentar
Our Golden Girls are a little pooped after vehicle shopping in Frontierland yesterday, so they are taking a rest in Adventureland, sitting on a bench in front of the restaurant that would eventually become the Tahitian Terrace. After some R&R and with a little coaxing, Rose & Blanche are ready to try the Jungle Cruise, albeit with a little trepidation. Looks like the Suwannee Lady is going to be their vehicle of choice...
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Golden Girls, August 1956, Pt. 2

Jumat, 26 September 2008 0 komentar
Looks like Dorothy has just joined the group, with today’s Frontierland August 1956 entry. Black Bart is welcoming the gals who are just tickled pink to be photographed with this scalawag! Hard to imagine this smiling romeo in a daily shootout with the sherriff, isn’t it? I have included a close-up of the signage touting all of the wonderful Frontierland attractions that guests could enjoy.Yesterday, we learned that the Golden...
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Golden Girls, August 1956

Kamis, 25 September 2008 0 komentar
They’re not Blanche or Rose, but these 2 Golden Girls are definitely the best of friends and whooping it up at Disneyland only one year after the park’s opening. Shot #1 shows our fancy-footwear gals getting ready to take a spin around Town Square in a Horse-Drawn Streetcar. For Shot #2, they climbed the stairs of the Main Street Train Station for a nice overview of the park (could somebody please move that Flag Pole? It’s spoiling...
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Skyway over Fantasyland, 1964

Rabu, 24 September 2008 0 komentar
It’s another one-post wonder today featuring this juicy colorful view of the Skyway over Fantasyland. Although this photo was undated, the Douglas Moonliner and the old-Skyway buckets helps narrow down the year. Be sure to notice the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship’s anchor peaking out on the left side of this image. I am also including a few fun closeups so that you can feast your eyes on the details:Here’s the Mr. Toad loading...
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