
For Cox Pilot

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
By the time this posts, I should be walking to the starting gate for the Disneyland Half Marathon. I am going for it again, hoping to beat my time from last year...and also hoping that the temperatures are much cooler as well. Today’s photo is from the 50’s (most likely 1956/57), with a nice overhead shot of Tomorrowland. This is probably taken before Cox Pilot began work at the Flight Circle, but nevertheless, I am including...
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Trains, Trains, and more Trains

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
Two undated slides here from the same batch showing the Frontierland Depot. Today, the water tower is on the other side of the tracks and no longer bears the Santa Fe emblem. The C.K. Holliday is featured in both views.Jumping forward from the 50’s to May 1974, we have this shot of the trestle that runs over Bear Country:Meanwhile, over at Knotts, our October 1970 photographer took these shots for us to savor:A nice Boiler Plate...
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Disneyland, September 1961

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
This one day series takes us back to September 1961, before the 60’s got mod and the guests at the park still looked like they belonged in the 50’s. The first three shots are all from the Autopia area; after looking at shot #3, I know why this Dwarf became Grumpy!It’s blurry, but I do love seeing shots of the not-so-often photographed Yellow Monorail, especially with the cool bubble viewing area featured!Back when it had holes...
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The Devlin Collection: Magic Kingdom Club Pt. 3

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
It’s a new decade at the park, and the Devlins are back on December 5, 1970. Even if this photo wasn’t date stamped, by the young girl’s outfit you’d know it was the 70’s! Souvenir photo holder stamp also included:1971 is the last one in the series, in front of the Castle area again, with only 3 family members in attendance:I can’t thank the Devlins enough for allowing me to post this through-the-years snapshot of a family over...
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The Devlin Collection: Magic Kingdom Club Pt. 2

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
Today’s Devlin post will finish out the 1960’s. First up is from June 5, 1966, with the recently opened small world attraction featured in the background. Tom’s Guest Pass and souvenir photo holder logo from that day are shown here:The June 4, 1967 photo is at the yet-to-be-opened Haunted Mansion:June 2, 1968 boasts a wonderful “new” Tomorrowland in the background:The souvenir photo holder from that day:June 1, 1969 brings us...
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The Devlin Collection: Magic Kingdom Club

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
Once again, the Devlin Family has kindly allowed me to post these fantastic images from their annual trek to the park for Magic Kingdom Day. The first photo is from September 23, 1961. This series is a great shot of the growth of a family, and the changes that occur over the years. As Tom remembers, “Starting with the drive up from San Diego we all remember being on the lookout for the first glimpse of the Matterhorn from the...
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Disneyland, October 1970 Pt. 6

Senin, 25 Agustus 2008 0 komentar
Put your earplugs in folks and pray that the “beloved” Sherman Brothers tune won’t invade your brain today (it has a habit of sticking like glue!). This is a 100% small world post today, with a tiny bonus thrown in for good measure. Our October 1970 photographer must have loved the exterior (and I am right there with him, as I truly do love the all-white exterior with touches of gold).Here are two shots from the same batch taken...
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