
Marching Band & Tiki Room correction

Senin, 30 April 2007 0 komentar
Here is the Disneyland Marching Band parading down Main Street, April 1958. I am also including a “rerun” of the 2nd shot (including close-up) which is from the same batch of slides, also showing the band dressed in red playing on the Mark Twain dock area.The repost of this current and December 1968 shot is to correct my previous post, in which I compared the back of the Tiki Room to the front as the same before & after shots....
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Royal Street Bachelors, December 1968

Jumat, 27 April 2007 0 komentar
Here are two views of the Royal Street Bachelors playing some Jazz in the heart of New Orleans Square. I believe they were originally only a trio, however, on this day, they were joined by a few other musicians. The African American boy in the second shot is a little jarring, as you would probably never see that kind of “costume” in the park today.This last shot is a slightly color-shifted Panavue slide, showing the Bachelors...
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Ready for Stephen King

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Just for Tim, I am posting a few more of these 2 little towheads, who look like they just stepped out of a Stephen King novel. From February 1960, we have the first two shots of the little darlings near the gates of Frontierland and the Castle Bridge, most likely with the poor sap who rescued them from the orphanage and brought them home to wreak havoc on a small midwest town (or something like that).I don’t know what’s more creepy...
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Indiana Jones and The Decoder Card

Kamis, 26 April 2007 0 komentar
Today I am going to jump forward from the past and do a post on one of my favorite rides; fans of the vintage stuff, please forgive me, as tomorrow I will go back to the golden age of the 50’s/60’s. I have always enjoyed reading the “Mara-glyphics” (designed by art director Chuck Ballew) inscribed on the wall of the Indiana Jones Adventure line queue, and now, with the help of this AT&T decoder card, you too can unlock the...
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Broggie Window, Main Street, and Town Square

Selasa, 24 April 2007 0 komentar
Here is the photo of the recently installed Broggie window that the Major mentioned yesterday. The next shot is also Main Street, from July 1970. Where Disneyana currently is, there’s Berry’s Cookies and the Ring Shop. Next to the cookie sign, the Market House bears the title “Sugar Corner.” Main Street shops sure have undergone some change over the years. It would be nice to have a little more variety in the offerings there...
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Town Square Display Window, Admiral Joe, and Trash Can

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I posted this photo a short while ago, and last weekend, took a photo of approximately the same spot in Town Square for comparison’s sake.My other image for today is of Admiral Joe Fowler standing in Central Plaza near the Castle. Although it’s cool to see a photo of the Disney legend, it’s even cooler to see this rare trash can in the background, which is definitely unthemed. Anybody able to date this slide by the can? I’ll go...
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Disneyland Updates

Minggu, 22 April 2007 0 komentar
A lot of ground to cover today, so hang on folks and make sure you have your morning beverage of choice ready, cause it’s going to be a long one! The post is starting out with a vintage (July 1970) Submarine Voyage photo, followed by some pics showing the progress on the Nemo Submarine Voyage. Plenty of activity was occurring behind the barricades, including the Submarines in motion, “deep-sea” divers, construction folk, and some...
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The Back of the Sign

Jumat, 20 April 2007 0 komentar
From October 5, 1957 comes this Fantasyland slide. Good color, nice sharp detail, but I gotta’ wonder why the photographer took a photo of the back of this sign with a bluebird on it as the focal point? And, does anyone know what this sign is of? While we’re in 1957, here’s another one from the same batch with a nice overhead shot of the Carrousel (that’s 2 R’s at Disneyland) and the Castle.For more vintage & current Fantasyland...
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The Monorail Trio

Kamis, 19 April 2007 0 komentar
With over 270 posts, it’s easy to forget what’s been posted already. The other day, the Major pointed out that there were a few Monorail pics from my collection that hadn’t made it to the blog, so today I will rectify the situation. First up is one from August 1960 of the Blue Monorail. If you look closely, you can see a little Mermaid action in the lagoon, as well as the old round-style Skyway buckets above. Shot two is from...
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Mark Twain, Chicken of the Sea, and a follow-up

Rabu, 18 April 2007 0 komentar
This is a great shot of the Mark Twain (make sure you scroll all the way to the right as this is a wide one!) that is unfortunately undated. However, judging by the barren look of the banks, it is probably from the first few years of the park. I am very happy that the MT is undergoing an extensive repair/restoration. It is nice to see this old gem taken care of. The second shot for today is an overhead of the Chicken of the Sea...
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Christmas in April

Selasa, 17 April 2007 0 komentar
Here’s a good shot of the huge lighted star that used to stand on top of the Matterhorn at Christmas. This slide is from December, 1968. Apparently this tradition was stopped due to the energy crisis/costs during the 1970’s. For more vintage & current Matterhorn photos, visit my regular websi...
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Tribute to Don Ho

Senin, 16 April 2007 0 komentar
It was definitely the end of an era last Saturday with the passing of Hawaiian Legend Don Ho. When I went to Hawaii over a year ago, seeing the Don Ho show in Waikiki was on the top of the list of things to do. Although he looked frail, once he started singing, the years rolled back and the legend was young again. So, in honor of Don, today’s post is “Hawaiian” Themed (please note the use of quotes). First up are pictures from...
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