
More Fantasyland: May 1958

Rabu, 16 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Today I am posting two of the best Skyway shots I have seen in awhile; I posted them a little larger than normal, so make sure you scroll all the way through them to catch everything. Shot one is a nice overview of the Storybook attraction, and also includes views of the Fantasyland Depot and the Viewliner Station (as well as the back of the Midget Autopia). The second shot shows the Blue Viewliner/Station, Junior Autopia, AND...
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Early Fantasyland

Selasa, 15 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Here are 2 early ones from Fantasyland; based upon some of the other slides, these are most likely 1955/1956. First we see Dumbo in action, back when his ears actually moved. Shot 2 is over at the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, with a wicked stroller barely peeking out on the left, and the Battle of the Butts on the right. This must be an early shot, due to the chicken wire fencing that I see. Dig that way cool footwear on the...
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Disneyland Park Update & 1975 visit

Senin, 14 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Today’s post will start with some current photos of the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage attraction. Disney has certainly done a great job of building excitement for the June 11 unveiling, and i am sure the park will be jam-packed with guests lining up to ride the refurbished submarines. I have to admit it was a little exciting to see the submarines in action on Saturday as they entered the cave area. Hard to believe this attraction...
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Minggu, 13 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Awhile ago, I posted this double exposure showing the Tomorrowland Spaceman and the back of the Chicken Plantation. The neg for that shot was recently on ebay, so today I thought I’d repost it, since the clarity is so much better. On the same roll was another tragic double exposure which looks like Nightmare on Main Street. Really a shame they were meshed like that. I thought I’d also post another of the June 1958 girl who was...
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Stroller in Frontierland

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2007 0 komentar
These undated beauties offer nice views of the New Orleans section of Frontierland, before New Orleans Square was built. These are most likely 1955/1956 vintage; howzabout that way cool green barrel trashcan?For more vintage & current Frontierland photos, visit my regular websi...
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Bazaar (or bizarre) Tiki

Jumat, 11 Mei 2007 0 komentar
June 1958 brought some cloudy weather to Southern Cal, as can be attested to this overcast shot. Still, the large carved Tiki figure near the Adventureland Bazaar is way cool! For more vintage & current Adventureland photos, visit my regular websi...
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Undated Town Square Pt. 2

Kamis, 10 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Another undated band shot, this time with Vesey Walker at the helm. Dig those hats on the ladies at the left! For more vintage & current Town Square photos, visit my regular websi...
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Undated Town Square

Rabu, 09 Mei 2007 0 komentar
This undated little beauty came with the same batch as yesterday’s shot, so is most likely 1955/56. I am assuming this is a guest band not affiliated with the park, as Disneyland often has guest musical groups perform/march (which I know from personal experience back in 1979/80). Note the Maxwell House Restaurant on the left and the evil Baby Stroller Shop, which has been mercifully replaced with the Mad Hatter Shop. For more...
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Would you believe...

Selasa, 08 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Before there was EPCOT, there was supposed to be International Street, located right off of Town Square. Peepholes through the wall gave tantalizing views of what was supposed to be, however, the project never got off the ground. Each year the opening date was changed and eventually this same sign heralded the opening of Liberty Street, another project that never saw the light of day. For more vintage & current Town Square...
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The Original Art Corner

Senin, 07 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Before it hit Tomorrowland, the Art Corner was temporarily near Central Plaza. This slide suffers from half a bad exposure, but is still worth posting. I would cringe at the amount of money these original animation cels were going for back in the summer of 1955, but that is all hindsight of course. And for those who can’t afford to buy the cels, maybe they'd like to have their pics taken for free with these cool cutouts.For more...
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Keeping it Clean

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Another undated slide, but I believe from 1955/56, showing the white wing mentioned the other day in Matterhorn’s blog. This time you can see it in living color, and perhaps Matterhorn can tell the viewers out there if this is Trinidad or not. Amazon—hope you enjoy the HD Trolley shot! For more vintage & current Disneyland photos, visit my regular websi...
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At the Circus

Jumat, 04 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Here are two views of the short lived Circus at Disneyland, showing what appears to be Professor Keller with his Tranquilized Kitties.For more vintage Disneyland Mickey Mouse Club Circus photos, visit my regular websi...
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Main Street Train Station

Kamis, 03 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Today I present a batch of undated slides featuring the Main Street Train Station. What an entrance! First thing in the morning as the park is opening, to see the E.P. Ripley pull up, whistle blowing and steam smoking...great way to start your day at Disneyland. This is one area that has seen little change over the years. I also like the attraction posters that greet you as you go through the gates here, giving guests a glimpse...
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Autopia Medley

Rabu, 02 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Here are a few shots of the Autopia through the years, beginning with an undated shot of a little girl very happy to be behind the wheel. The 2nd slide (same batch) shows what appears to be the same little girl, who has now picked up a passenger.This shadowy shot is from January 1960.August 1982 shows a different car that definitely owes its styling to the Corvette.4 & 5 are current shots of the Autopia route, including a...
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Adventureland Gate: Then & Now

Selasa, 01 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Compare the Adventureland gate from May 31, 1956 to the one of today. At first glance, not a huge difference, however, there is something a little more “primitive” and authentic looking about the original that today just seems a slight bit more manufactured. Regardless, this is still one of my favorite themed entrances in the park.For more Adventureland photos, visit my regular websi...
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Marching Band & Tiki Room correction

Senin, 30 April 2007 0 komentar
Here is the Disneyland Marching Band parading down Main Street, April 1958. I am also including a “rerun” of the 2nd shot (including close-up) which is from the same batch of slides, also showing the band dressed in red playing on the Mark Twain dock area.The repost of this current and December 1968 shot is to correct my previous post, in which I compared the back of the Tiki Room to the front as the same before & after shots....
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Royal Street Bachelors, December 1968

Jumat, 27 April 2007 0 komentar
Here are two views of the Royal Street Bachelors playing some Jazz in the heart of New Orleans Square. I believe they were originally only a trio, however, on this day, they were joined by a few other musicians. The African American boy in the second shot is a little jarring, as you would probably never see that kind of “costume” in the park today.This last shot is a slightly color-shifted Panavue slide, showing the Bachelors...
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